Testimonials < Mark Testimonial
Mark - 50 Years Old
Doing this together is key and has helped all of us. Our family is worth it!

Not long ago, Mark was unhappy with his overall health and his recent wellness exam validated his concerns. A coworker told him about Restore, and the ‘personal coaching’ part of the program grabbed his attention.

Since starting Restore, Mark’s results have been “life-changing.” The coaching and education he received allowed him to listen to his hunger scale, stop over-eating, and avoid highly processed food and food with “added sugar.” He eats consciously at home and out, and learned that not getting enough sleep leads to weight gain.

He shared, “I have passed most of the coaching and education on to my wife and kids (9 and 13 years old), so in effect, I have become their coach.”

He tells people he’s not “on a diet” but has “changed his diet” and why. At age 50, he is feeling healthier, fitter, stronger, and consequently happier about his health and outlook than he can remember. He and his wife have each lost more than 10% of their body weight, have both made time to go to the gym two times per week and exercise 3-4 times per week. They continue to make healthier choices and are both committed to sustaining this lifestyle. “Doing this together is key and has helped all of us. Our family is worth it!”


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