Testimonials < John’s Testimonial
John - 57 Years Old
I’ve lost 60 lbs and I don’t plan on stopping. The best lesson I learned is that everything I’m doing is sustainable.”

My name is John and I’m 57 years old. At this stage in my life, I never thought to take my health seriously. But at an annual physical my doctor took my hand and said, “John, you need this program.” It was that moment when I knew I needed to make a change in my life.

I have been down the weight loss road many times before and have not succeeded. I decided to give Restore a try because it emphasized “total health” rather than just weight loss.

I am on cholesterol medication, but after one year of Restore, I am working with my doctor to cut back. Eventually, I hope to be off of my medication completely.

Making positive changes in my nutrition habits helped my cholesterol improve. My blood sugar was also an ongoing problem but Restore has drastically improved that as well.

When I started Restore in November 2017, I weighed 278 pounds and had a BMI of 39.9. By March 2018, I weighed 242 pounds with a 34.7 BMI.

Overall, I have lost 60 pounds and I don’t plan on stopping. When I first started Restore, one of my short-term goals was to just live to see retirement. After completing this program, I want more for myself. I want a long life after retirement that I can enjoy and live actively with my family. That means continuing on the path I am on and continuing the progress I have already begun.

My health has created a positive impact on my family, as well. Now that I have energy I enjoy getting out and doing more things, which has a positive effect on everyone. My attitude and whole outlook on life has completely changed for the better. I tell all my friends, “It worked for me, it can work for you too!”

One of my favorite accomplishments is being able to do pushups – I couldn’t even do one when I started. Now, I can do 40. I am just happy to get back into the things I enjoyed years ago, like exercising and working outside on my farm.

I have my coach to thank. Throughout the program, Coach Ashley essentially acted as my conscience. Towards the end of the program, my new habits were so ingrained and I was so confident in my ability to take control of my health that this “conscience” was now my own internal voice. The best lesson I have taken from my time with Restore is that everything I am doing is sustainable. I have learned balance and confidence. I can have a bad weekend of making poor choices and then leave them behind me. There is no going back, only forward.

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