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Beckers Hospital Review – Entering the era of not just personalized, but precision-based health and wellness, and other 2019 trends

Most employers have already started to recognize the value of shifting from traditional health and wellness benefit programs that rely solely on external motivators (like cash incentives for participation) toward programs that are focused on the individual, using more personalized engagement to modify fundamental behaviors and create long-lasting change.

Personalized wellness plans are not enough though, and precision-based wellness is quickly going to become more highly sought after.

In 2019 we’ll see wellness programs that take individuals’ data, and then present care, coaching and health and wellness recommendations that precisely addresses their set of conditions – including their lifestyle habits.

While personalized recommendations typically deliver a canned set of content that fits a broad solution to a specific health symptom, it is important to understand the individual and their specific motivations, with solutions that are particular to their lifestyle in small, manageable steps. This is the promise of precision-based wellness.


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